Pavel Eret records for Japanese the Fuji TV

In October and in the beginning of November, I made sound and picture recordings for the Japanese series Nodame Cantabile 「のだめカンタービレ」. It is a very popular movie remake of comics, popular in Japan as well as in Asian countries on the whole. The series introduces the classic music world in form of comedy and gags to the wide range of TV viewers. According to words of the chief of the NHK TV and Radio classic music broadcasting, it is a revolutionary achievement, when a series or movie of this enviroment is broadcasted in the prime time. There are authentic extracts of famous and less famous compositions performed by e.g. the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra or the Czech Broadcast Symphony Orchestra. One of the characters - conductor and teacher of the main male character Chiaki - was performed by former chief-conductor of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra Zdeněk Mácal. I appeared in an authentic role of soloist in the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto under fictional orchestra conducting by the main male character "conductor Chiaki" (Hiroshi Tamaki). The series will be broadcasted in the Japanese nation-wide broadcasting in the beginning of 2008.

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